
These online training courses have been carefully crafted to enhance the knowledge and capability of resource management practitioners.

Environmental Compliance 101 -
Knowing Your Value

This course is focused on establishing the foundations for environmental compliance so that compliance officers understand the context they are working in and the value they add. By the end of the day you will know the true value of the work you do and how it contributes to the broader resource management framework and the outcomes in your region.

The course covers:

  • The importance of the CME role

  • The RMA framework

  • How to read resource consents

  • Introduction to behavioural compliance

  • The certification process

  • Enforcement tools

  • Tips and tricks for dealing with people

This 1-day course is for new compliance officers or those who like to refresh their knowledge on RMA compliance and best practice.

Course Price: $385 (plus GST)

Environmental Compliance Practice

This course provides 'best practice' guidance for how to undertake RMA compliance site visits, monitoring and investigations and use of every day compliance officer enforcement tools.

This course covers:

  • The key compliance sections in the RMA

  • The powers of entry and associated obligations

  • How to prepare for and carry out a site visit

  • How to gather evidence - notes and photos

  • Guidance on enforcement decision making

  • Preparation of enforcement documentation include formal warning letters, abatement notices and infringement notices

  • Introduction to prosecution & enforcement orders

This 1-day course course is for new compliance officers or those who would like to refresh their knowledge on RMA compliance and enforcement processes.

Course price: $385 (plus GST)

The Art of Discretion -
RMA Compliance

Effective RMA compliance relies on compliance officers making good judgement calls and exercising appropriate discretion. This course provides compliance officers with a grounding in why the application of discretion is so important and guidance on how to make good decisions in everyday scenarios that compliance officers are faced with.

This course covers:

  • Concepts of risk

  • How policy context informs compliance decision making

  • Risk-based resource consent monitoring

  • Risk-based approach to incident and complaint response

  • Enforcement decision making

  • Application of discretion to both reactive RMA compliance issues, resource consent monitoring and permitted activity monitoring.

This 1-day course is for anyone who has been working as a compliance officer for at least 3 months.

Course price: $435 (plus GST)

Abatement Notices & Infringement Notices

This course provides guidance on how to correctly prepare and serve infringement and abatement notices under the RMA.

This course covers:

  • How to decide whether enforcement is appropriate, and if so, what enforcement

  • The purpose and use of abatement notices

  • Preparing a valid abatement notice

  • What to do when an abatement notice is disputed

  • The purpose and use of infringement notices

  • Preparing a valid infringement notice

  • Reminder notices

  • What to do when an infringement notice is disputed

  • Serving notices correctly.

This 3-hour course is for new compliance officers or those who would like to refresh their knowledge on preparing RMA notices.

Course Price: $245 (plus GST)

If you are interested in attending a training course please register early to ensure that it goes ahead. Minimum numbers are required for a training course to run. This generally ensures there is sufficient people to allow different experiences and views to be part of the discussion within the course. Registrations for each course will normally close 1 week before the event.

Please see the terms and conditions for our cancellation and transfer policy.

Many thanks.

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With a comprehensive background in resource management across planning policy, resource consenting and compliance, we offer the ability to plan, prepare and create positive change in your organisation.