
Freshwater Farm Plans

Brighta Consulting plays a key role in coordinating the regional sector input into the design of the Freshwater Farm Plan system and continues to be a lead technical advisor to councils for implementation. Working closely with the Ministry for the Environment and staff from regional councils, Brighta strives to develop workable future-focussed approaches for delivery of the system.

Independent Analysis of Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement for the Regional Sector (CESIG)

An independent review of the CME metrics data for the five-year period between 2017-2022 aims to identify key trends and offer insights into regional sector CME activity. This analysis provides an overview of environmental compliance behavior over time. Considering the well-documented challenges CESIG faces in operational delivery under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA), the report suggests conceptual mitigating actions for the sector to address these challenges. Additionally, the report anticipates future CME delivery under the proposed Natural and Built Environment Act (NBEA), identifying potential opportunities, challenges, and offering suggestions to help the sector leverage the reform era and prepare for implementation.

Independent Reviews of Resource Management Functions and Delivery

Brighta operates as a trusted advisor to regional councils and territorial authorities across New Zealand. We offer independent reviews and advice on best practice approaches for planning and compliance delivery, which are then supported through to implementation. This comprehensive support encompasses the preparation of detailed reports to enhance understanding of challenges and opportunities. Furthermore, Brighta contributes to the development of guidance, operational systems, and staff training.

Master Planning and Project Management

Brighta provides essential support to the Opotiki District Council in various aspects of master planning and project management. This includes stakeholder engagement, project management, and comprehensive implementation planning services. Notably, Brighta's involvement extends to high-profile initiatives such as the Opotiki Harbour development and Waihau Bay projects.

National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (2020) (NPSFM) Implementation Support

Preparation of technical reports and guidance for local authorities to support and inform their plan change programmes for implementation of the NPSFM.

Consenting and Compliance Training and Support

Development and delivery of training for planners through the New Zealand Planning Institute as well as bespoke courses for local government planning and compliance staff. These are focused on bridging the gap between environmental compliance and consenting and achieving enduring outcomes. Brighta also provides remote support for local government compliance teams with a focus on building capacity and capability within their organisations. This involves mentoring, technical guidance and creating effective processes and systems.

Best Practice Resource Consent Conditions

Preparation of guidance and resource consent conditions for Marlborough District Council relating to water takes and diversions, discharges, forestry, land disturbance and stream works activities. These have been developed adopting a collaborative approach involving staff from the science, consenting and compliance teams.

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With a comprehensive background in resource management across planning policy, resource consenting and compliance, we offer the ability to plan, prepare and create positive change in your organisation.