So you can charge for compliance work – now what?

While it might sound like I’m jumping the gun on my excitement for the ability of Councils to cost recover for more of their compliance work. I am hopeful that this one is a no brainer to make it through in the RMA amendment bill 2.

Our team are always thinking ahead to implementation and ‘what comes next’ and because we know that the wheels of local government can take a wee while to kick into gear, it’s important to think ahead for what other steps you’ll need to think about when it comes to setting fees and charges for this work.

In short, the sooner the better for getting the cost recovery mechanisms for this important work in place as it currently sits heavily on the shoulders of rate payers across New Zealand.

So what are some of the questions you could start asking yourselves in your councils to help you be prepared and ready to go if the changes pass later this year?

These are all important things to think about early on to ensure that you are well-prepared to be able to make the most of this new ability should it become law later this year.

Fingers crossed!!!🤞🤞🤞

Amanda de Jong – February 2025


End of year reflections for 2024