Environmental Compliance 101




Brighta Consulting

Environmental strategy, policy development and implementation, resource consenting and regulatory compliance.

Our comprehensive experience working across the resource management system means we take a timely, strategic and proportionate approach to helping our clients solve resource management issues for today and for the future.


About Us

We are a strategic resource management consultancy that works with clients across New Zealand.

With extensive experience across the resource management system, from planning policy all the way through to the regulatory arms of consenting and compliance. At Brighta Consulting, we pride ourselves in developing holistic and comprehensive approaches to complex resource management issues.

We Work With


Why Us

Our team have extensive experience operating at the coalface of resource management.

We can help you to solve problems across the system, with a focus on building your capacity and capability as we go.


Outcome focused

We are focussed on getting outcomes on the ground that achieve policy aspirations and protect the environment.


Future Thinking

With Resource Management reform now, more than ever, innovative thinking and future focussed planning is needed.


The Missing Link

Our collaborative approach and well-rounded resource management background means we are equipped to solve complex issues.

Contact Brighta Consulting

Contact Us

With a comprehensive background in resource management across planning policy, resource consenting and compliance, we offer the ability to plan, prepare and create positive change in your organisation.